
Product description

The SRW-01 roller shutter controller allows you to control roller shutters using roller shutter buttons. With the built-in Wi-Fi receiver, the device connects to the cloud and offers remote control of your roller shutter. You can check the position of the roller shutters. You can also close or open them remotely. With the schedules saved in the cloud, you can control your roller shutters automatically at specific times and on selected days.

Product features

2.4GHz WiFi radio communication
Cloud communication
Roller shutters can be operated manually using roller shutter buttons
Supports 230 V AC roller shutter drives
Free app to operate the controller
No need for additional controls such as controllers
Wireless communication with a Wi-Fi access point
Remote access to control without the need for connection redirecting

Product data

Zobacz film


Sensors and accessories

Surface-mounted receivers

Modular receivers

Media monitors

Flush-mounted receivers

Other receivers

Why choose SUPLA products?

Mega community
Developing project

Controlling from everyone
Places on earth

Wide range

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