Contact details

ZAMEL Sp. z o. o.

ul. Zielona 27, 43-200 Pszczyna, Poland

tel.: +48 32 210 46 65, fax: +48 32 210 80 04

Technical hotline tel.: +48 32 211 35 55

Contact form

    Contact me regarding matters associated with the Zamel sp. z o.o. offer*

    Receive Zamel sp. z o.o. marketing and informational materials by electronic means*

    I declare that I have read and understood theInformation Clause*

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    * Pola obowiązkowe

    Information Clause

    • The controller of your personal data is Zamel Sp. o.o. with its registered office at ul. Zielona 27 in Pszczyna.

    • Your data will be processed only for the purposes for which you have granted your consent (by ticking the appropriate box), i.e. pursuant to Article 6 sec. 1 letter a of the General Data Protection Regulation of 27 April 2016.

    • Your personal data will be stored until your consent is withdrawn.

    • Remember that you can always withdraw the consent granted to us in the same manner that you granted it to us. However, its withdrawal does not affect the lawfulness of the processing that we had made on the basis of you consent before it was withdrawn. You also have the right to access your personal data, rectify them, erase them, restrict their processing, object to the processing of them, and to transfer them.

    • You also have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.

    • Providing personal data is voluntary; however, failure to provide such data may render us unable to contact you, because we do not know who requests to be contacted by us.

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