Instructions for integrating Supla Cloud with the Google voice assistant


Step 1

Install the “Google Home” application on your smartphone.



Step 2

Start the “Google Home” app.

If this is your first start, press the “Start” button.

If the application is already preconfigured, press the house icon and then touch the “Add” button. In the next window, click the “Configure device” button.

Step 4

Search for the service named “SUPLA”.

Krok 4  

Wyszukaj usługę o nazwie „SUPLA”. 

Step 5  

Enter the email and password for your account, and then click the “Login” button.

Step 6

The next step contains information about the areas of the Supla Cloud account that Google wants to access. To continue, touch the “Grant access” button.

Step 7

Click the “Done” button.

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